What is the standard workflow for a Property Removal Pass request?

{Matthew Gillen}

For buildings with secure lobbies and standard procedures for property removal, tenant administrators are now able to control the authorization for property that is leaving the building through the new Property Removal Pass module. Property Managers will also have a record of approved property removal passes.

This article describes the typical workflow between the tenant and Property Management organization.

Tenant Submits Property Pass Request

This sections describes the process a tenant employee undergoes when they want to remove company property from the building.

  1. The tenant clicks Property Removal Pass on their tenant portal.
  2. The tenant clicks Add New Pass.
  3. The tenant enters the Name, Email, Company, and Floor/Area of the requestor, followed by the Property Description of the item(s) to be removed from the building.
  4. The tenant clicks SAVE to complete the property removal pass request. The request is then routed to the tenant administrator for approval. Note: If a request is entered by a Tenant Administrator it is automatically entered into the Approved status.

Tenant Administrator Approves or Denies Request

This section describes the process the Tenant Administrator performs after a property removal request has been submitted.

  1. The tenant administrator receives a notification via email that a property removal pass request has been received.
  2. The tenant administrator may “quick approve” the request through a link included in the email notification, or log into the tenant portal and click Property Removal Pass to view the full request.
  3. If “quick approve” has been ignored, the tenant administrator reviews the details of the request and clicks the icon in the Actions column to approve or deny the request.

Tenant Receives Approved or Denied Request

Following the approval or denial of the request, the tenant either prints the approved request to show the guard upon exiting the building, or they may inquire about the denial with the Tenant Administrator.

If the request has been approved:

  1. The tenant or guest requestor receives an email notification.
  2. The tenant accesses the approved property removal pass through the tenant portal, and prints a hard copy of the pass to present to the guard station upon exiting the building.

Guard Reviews Details of Request upon Property Exit

Before the tenant leaves the building with company property, they are to check-out at the guard station.

At check-out:

  1. The tenant arrives at the guard station with the property to be removed and the guard collects the printed pass and clicks the request number in the PASS # column.
  2. The guard approves the property removal pass by clicking APPROVE PROPERTY EXIT.

Tenant Administrator or Property Manager Reviews Property Pass History

During the property removal pass request process, tenant administrators and property managers are able to view the details of a request.

For tenant administrators to view a request:

  1. Click Property Removal Pass.
  2. Optionally, click  to access the search filters.
  3. Click the name in the REQUESTER column to access the request details.

For property managers to view a request:

  1. Click Go To à Security à Property Removal Pass.
  2. Click SEARCH and use the search filters to locate the request.
  3. Click the hyperlinked request number in the PASS #


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