How do I renew a tenant or vendor uploaded COI?

{Matthew Gillen}

Expiration notices sent to tenants and vendors contain a link that will allow the recipient to upload a renewed copy of their COI into the application. When the attachment is uploaded it triggers the application to begin the framework for a renewed COI.

The following steps illustrate the typical series of events that occur after a tenant or vendor is sent an expiration notice.

  1. The tenant or vendor clicks UPLOAD DOCUMENT on the expiration notice.
  2. The tenant or vendor clicks Add Files and selects a COI to be uploaded.
  3. The tenant or vendor clicks Upload.
  4. After the COI is uploaded, click the paperclip icon which is located in the EXPIRES column. The paperclip icon lets you know that the tenant or vendor has successfully uploaded their COI for your review.
  5. After clicking the paperclip icon you will be brought to the Renew COI page with the PDF copy of the new COI attached.
  6. Optional: Adjust the name of the COI
  7. Optional: Enter Internal Notes.
  8. Update the coverage AMOUNTS and EFFECTIVE DATES.
  9. Click SAVE to finish the process, or SAVE AND SHARE to save and share the COI with a colleague.


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