How do I create a new COI for a tenant or vendor?

{Matthew Gillen}

Creating a COI record in the system allows you to manage a COI’s compliance and effective dates. This section describes the process of creating a new COI.

To create a new COI:

  1. Click Go To > Certificate of Insurance > Create COI.2.png
  2. Enter the COI NAME, TYPE, and BUILDINGNote: Prior to entering COIs, Building Engines highly recommends that you select a naming convention. This minimizes confusion and adds conformity to your COI records.
  3. After you select a TYPE and BUILDING, the Coverage Components grid appears. The configuration is displayed in the group or tenant level configuration (if either was previously configured).
  4. Use the provided fields to enter the COI information from the Accord form to the COI record.1.jpg
  5. (Optional) To upload a scanned copy of the COI form: Click UPLOAD FILES > click ADD FILES and select a file from your computer, file directory, etc.
  6. (Optional) If you must add additional component fields to the COI record, click the (+) located above the ADDITIONAL INFORMATION column.
  7. Click SAVE to finish or SAVE AND SHARE to save the COI record and email the file.


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