How do I add additional COI compliance questions?

{Matthew Gillen}

The Additional Info tab allows you to create an additional layer of compliance validation that is not covered at the component level. This section gives you the ability to create a simple compliance check box, or create a customized question.

To create a compliance check or question:

  1. Click Go To > Certificate of Insurance > COI Admin.
  2. Click the ADD'L. INFO tab.
  3. Select a Compliance Group.
  4. Click the pencil icon .
  5. Enter in your Compliance Check(s) (example shown below).
  6. Click SAVE.
  7. (Optional) To create a customized question, enter your question in the Customize Your Question and Responses field.
  8. Specify the MAXIMUM CHARACTERS.
  9. (Optional) If required for compliance, click Require for Compliance.
  10. Click SAVE.


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