Release Notes for 2015-04-30

{Matthew Gillen}


Employee Application

NEW Feature: New Look Dashboard – This month, our dashboard gets a brand new look including way more data and flexibility than before. You’ll now see inspection counts rolled up to your dashboard so you can easily keep an eye on open inspections across your buildings. We’ve also combined new and open requests into a single count for easy access to all your unresolved tasks. Those counts will be bolded when new requests come in, and turn red when you’ve got critical or overdue work. Check out our auto-refresh option if you’d like to keep an eye on your counts throughout the day. Mouse-over new/open counts for a detailed breakdown by status, and try clicking through those details to view specific items. Other benefits include:

  • Find a building fast with available type ahead by name or code
  • See what's on hold with our new indicator with mouse-over detail
  • See how your portfolio is doing with increased regional-level data
  • Drill into regional data with available click through
  • Sleek new indicators for Tenant Satisfaction, Occupancy, COI coverage and Total Service Delivery

NEW Building Engines New Look Preview, Continued!

In addition to the updated dashboard, our New Look preview expands to include the following pages:

  • Task Calendar
  • My Tasks
  • Expected Visitors
  • Watch List
  • Tenant Employee Import Tool
  • Operations Performance Management
  • COI Admin

To learn more about Building Engines’ new look, CLICK HERE to see a more detailed list of improvements in our new design, or CLICK HERE to view a recently recorded webinar reviewing the new look.

To check out the new updates, click the “New Look” button in the navigation bar. For now, you may switch the preview on or off at any time.  When the new look is completed, we will permanently retire the old view.  Stay tuned for updates each month.

 **NOTE: Please note that our new look is only available on modern browsers. Please use IE9+, Firefox, or Chrome to check out these updates

NEW Feature: Move Tenant Employees – Available Exclusively in the New Look - Do you ever need to move tenant users between companies or buildings? Want to avoid inactivating accounts in one building only to recreate them in another? Our new Tenant Employee Move option is for you. This new feature allows you to select up to 100 tenant employee users from the tenant employee dashboard and move them to a new company and/or building. Simply select the building, company and suite where the users should be relocated and we will automatically inactivate the accounts and create exact copies in the new location. Usernames and passwords are carried over to the new accounts, so your users never have to know the difference.

Feature Enhancement: Work OrderAvailable Exclusively in the New Look - Create Work Orders for Non-System Tenant UsersHave you ever wished you could enter a work order request for a tenant without having to create an account for them first? Check out our new Non-System Tenant User option. From the Create New Work Order page, select a tenant company and then select “Non-System Tenant User” from the “Requested By” dropdown. You’ll see a field appear where you can enter the name and contact information for the requestor. That information will be saved on the work order, and available via the BE Mobile App. This new option is ideal for companies with customer service call centers.

Feature Enhancement: Recurring Work Orders Available Exclusively in the New Look – Managing recurring work orders just got a whole lot easier. We’ve introduced a brand new Recurring Work Order Dashboard where you can now easily search, view and edit all of your scheduled recurring work orders from a single page. We’ve also added an easy-to-use request page specifically for creating and managing recurring work orders. You’ll find your recurring work orders by navigating to the Go To menu, and selecting Recurring Work Order Dashboard under the Work Order category.

Feature Enhancement: COI - Best’s Financial Size CategoryCustomers taking advantage of our Limited Trial offer of A.M. Best Ratings may now incorporate Best’s Financial Size Category into their Certificate of Insurance compliance requirements. Simply navigate to COI Admin, and specify a minimum Financial Size Category. We’ll automatically alert you if an insurer’s rating doesn’t comply with your standards.

  • A.M. Best is the leading provider of financial viability ratings for insurance carriers. Now you can quickly and easily see an insurer’s Best's Credit Rating when adding a Certificate of Insurance. Simply begin typing the Insurance Company’s name to see a list of suggested companies. Select the appropriate insurer and their A.M. Best rating and Financial Size Category will be automatically displayed
  • For a Guide to Best's Credit Ratings™, please click HERE
  • A.M. Best Ratings will be offered at no additional charge through June 30, 2015


Employee Application

NEW LOOK – A big thank you to all of our users who have opted into our New Look preview and helped us locate any areas in need of fine tuning. Your feedback has been heard, and the following items have been fixed

  • Work Order – Comments added while sharing a work order in the New Look will now be added to work order history
  • Work Order/PM/Inspection – Comments entered while reassigning a task will now be entered in the task history in the New Look
  • Work Order/PM – Add Labor and Add Materials will now accept decimal values in the New Look
  • Dashboards – Avatars for users without a custom image uploaded will no longer display as a broken image on dashboard pages
  • Preventive Maintenance – Fired PM tasks will now print correctly in the New Look
  • Broadcast Messaging – Loading issue with broadcast dashboard in the New Look has been corrected
  • Purchase Order – Purchase Order approval notifications will now correctly direct users to the Purchase Order in the New Look
  • Purchase Order – The calculation of Expected Cost has been corrected on material based purchase orders


  • Notifications – Notifications sent for Resource Scheduling work orders and Recurring Billables will now correctly show a Work Order heading
  • Lease Management – The available date range for lease expiration dates has been extended through 2025
  • Inspections – Inspections will no longer be created with incorrect numbering of questions
  • Work Order – The “Invoice Selected” bulk action will now function correctly for buildings utilizing the Invoice Detail or Invoice Detail with Admin Fees invoice formats



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