Types of Building Spaces in Space Management

{Matthew Gillen}

This section describes the types of building spaces that can be configured into a building’s Stack Plan.

  • Tenant Suite is a space reserved for a tenant. This space can be vacant or assigned to a specific tenant. Tenant suites cannot be made available for Resource Scheduling.
  • Common Area is a building space that is accessible to all tenant companies in a building. These areas cannot be reserved through Resource Scheduling, however, all tenant in the building can submit a work order on behalf of the common area.
  • Tenant Common Area is a building space that is accessible to specific tenant companies in a building. It cannot be reserved through Resource Scheduling, however, a tenant company with access to the space may submit a work order on behalf of the common area.
  • Meeting Area or Freight Area are building resources than can be reserved, by designated employees and tenants, through the Resource Scheduling module.
  • Generator Rooms, Electrical Rooms, and Mechanical Rooms are spaces that can be integrated into the Inspections module.


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