How do I manage resource tasks and billing

Jacqui Finn

All tasks and billing for resource reservations can be managed through work orders. This section describes how to configure the application to automatically create a work order prior to an event.

To configure the system to automatically create a work order prior to an event:

  1. Click Admin > Building Settings > Space Management.
  2. Select the building the Resource is in.
  3. Locate and expand the floor that the Resource is on.
  4. Click on the hyperlinked meeting area or freight elevator next to your resource.*note that you can also hover your mouse over the number listed in the resource column to edit the resource. 
  5. Within the Configure Resource window, click Create Work Order to manage related tasks and billing.
  6. Select how many days in advance you want the work order created prior to the event. Note: If a reservation is approved within the designated time frame, the work order will be created immediately.
  7. Click SAVE to finish.


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