The Tenant Satisfaction portion of OPM enables you to capture tenant satisfaction levels following the completion of a work order. If work performed fails to meet a tenant’s expectations, the application sends out an escalation notification, reopens the work order, marks it as critical, and if desired, reassigns it to a designated user. Similar to the Managed Issue Types configuration, Tenant Satisfaction can be managed portfolio-wide, regionally, for individual buildings, or for specific tenants.
Tenants can provide a satisfaction rating by clicking one of the icons located within the work order. If a tenant fails to provide a satisfaction rating from the work order, an automatic follow-up email can be sent.
This sections describes the process of setting up the Tenant Satisfaction portion of Operations Performance Management (OPM).
To enable Tenant Satisfaction:
- Click ADMIN > Performance Management > OPM Configuration.
- Click the
- (Optional) To allow tenants to view the time each status change should occur (I.E. New à Arrived), click Allow Tenants to see SLA Targets.
- Click Allow Tenants to enter Satisfaction Ratings.
- If a tenant does not rate their experience from the Tenant Portal, a follow up email can be automatically sent allowing them to rate their experience with one click. To enable the follow up email, click Send Tenant an email when work order is done.
- (Optional) If you do not want a follow up email to accompany every missed tenant satisfaction rating from the Tenant Portal, enter your preferred frequency in the __ Work Order field.
If a tenant fails to respond to the initial follow up satisfaction email, additional follow up emails can be sent at your preferred frequency. Use the following fields to specify the maximum number of follow up satisfaction emails, along with their frequency.
- (Optional) If a tenant provides a dissatisfied rating, a Point Person(s) can be notified and reassigned the work order. Use the supplied fields to indicate your notification and reassignment preferences.
- Click
- Click
to save all of your configurations for the Operations Performance Management module.