Employee Application
NEW Building Engines New Look, Continued!
This month, our New Look preview expands to include the following pages:
- Resource Scheduling –
- Check out the newly added Resource Schedule List where you can easily search, view and export events. Available exclusively in the New Look!
- Notification Admin
**NOTE: Please note that our new look is only available on modern browsers. Please use IE9+, Firefox, or Chrome to check out these updates
Feature Enhancement: Accounting – Tenant Self-Service Invoices - Tenants with the Tenant Administrator privilege will now see a summary of Total Charges and a Print Invoice button on all closed work orders with saved, billable charges. Invoices can be printed from within work order details, or via a new bulk action in work order search. To change the invoice format printed for tenants in your buildings, contact Building Engines Support.
Feature Enhancement: Accounting – Tax rates can be saved without an expiration date
Employee Application
- Purchase Order – Purchase orders associated to on-hold work orders can now be approved and edited
- Broadcast – The read receipt option has been restored to the create new broadcast page
- Vendor Contracts – Annual Cost is no longer a required field on vendor contracts
- Work Order – The “Show Tenant” option on files attached to work orders is now editable by double clicking the column
- Work Order – Contact information entered for Non-System Tenant Users will now correctly display on printed work orders
- Certificate of Insurance – Links to edit notification groups have been added to the Notifications tab in COI Admin
- Certificates of Insurance – Renewal documents uploaded by Tenant or Vendor contacts will now correctly appear on the certificate renewal screen in all cases
- File Management– The option to view files for ALL buildings has been restored
- Resource Scheduling – Multi-day events will now display only on the correct, selected dates
- Employee Admin – Out of Office can now be successfully configured for regional employees
- Vendor Management – All vendor companies affected by the bug in vendor inactivation that removed them from view have been re-associated to their buildings and moved to the inactive status
Building Connect
- Resource Scheduling – The correct date will now be selected when users click on the calendar to create a resource reservation