Remove a Building

Paul Schneider

As of February 8, 2019, all Building Change Form requests should now be submitted through the Building Engines platform. Please follow the instructions below.

    1. Sign into Building Engines and navigate to the Go To menu in the upper left-hand corner of the screen.  From there, select Building List.
      Building List
    2. Once in the Building List, select the Building that you'd like to submit a request to cancel or change.

    3. Once in the record you've selected, scroll down to the Ownership and Management section and select the text Change Building Status
      Ownership and Management

    4. From there, you will be taken to the Building Status Change Form (BSCF) where you will enter all the information pertinent to the request.

Ownership and Management


Note: If your company still remains the owner or manager of this building, but you need it removed from your view, please use the building selector in your Employee profile under Admin > Employees to complete this action. Contact your Property Manager if your account does not have Admin access. 


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