As of February 8, 2019, all Building Change Form requests should now be submitted through the Building Engines platform. Please follow the instructions below.
- Sign into Building Engines and navigate to the Go To menu in the upper left-hand corner of the screen. From there, select Building List.
- Once in the Building List, select the Building that you'd like to submit a request to cancel or change.
- Once in the record you've selected, scroll down to the Ownership and Management section and select the text Change Building Status
- From there, you will be taken to the Building Status Change Form (BSCF) where you will enter all the information pertinent to the request.
Note: If your company still remains the owner or manager of this building, but you need it removed from your view, please use the building selector in your Employee profile under Admin > Employees to complete this action. Contact your Property Manager if your account does not have Admin access.