To Dos can be assigned to individuals outside the Building Engines application. When a To-Do for a non-system user is created an alert can be configured to notify the assignee. After the To-Do is completed, the non-system user can respond to the email notification and let the list owner know that the To-Do can be marked as complete. This article describes the process of creating an action item for a non-system user.
To create an action item for a non-system user:
- Click Go To > Tasks > To-Do Lists.
- Select a To Do List from the left side.
- Click the (+) New To-Do icon.
- Select a BUILDING and enter the To-Do DETAILS.
- Using the ASSIGN TO field, select Non-System User, and then enter the assignee’s NAME and EMAIL address.
- (Optional) Use the calendar icon to enter a DUE DATE.
- (Optional) Click Notify via email to send an email notification to the action item assignee.
- Click SAVE or SAVE AND ADD ANOTHER to create another action item.