Creating a To Do for a Non-System User

Account Management

To Dos can be assigned to individuals outside the Building Engines application. When a To-Do for a non-system user is created an alert can be configured to notify the assignee. After the To-Do is completed, the non-system user can respond to the email notification and let the list owner know that the To-Do can be marked as complete. This article describes the process of creating an action item for a non-system user.

To create an action item for a non-system user:

  1. Click Go To > Tasks > To-Do Lists.
  2. Select a To Do List from the left side.
  3. Click the (+) New To-Do icon.
  4. Select a BUILDING and enter the To-Do DETAILS.
  5. Using the ASSIGN TO field, select Non-System User, and then enter the assignee’s NAME and EMAIL address.
  6. (Optional) Use the calendar icon to enter a DUE DATE.
  7. (Optional) Click Notify via email to send an email notification to the action item assignee.
  8. Click SAVE or SAVE AND ADD ANOTHER to create another action item.


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