Visitor Module (Guard Portal)
The guard interface is to be used in conjunction with the Visitor Access module of Building Engines. The guard interface allows guards to check in pre-registered visitors, add unannounced visitors, and run visitor lists and audits.
Guard User Guide
Visitors to your building can be entered into the Building Engines application via Property Management st...
How Do I View Expected Visitors?
A list of future visitors to the building can be viewed by building and date. This section describes how to...
How Do I Check In a Pre-Registered Visitor?
This section describes the process of checking in a previously registered visitor. To check in a pre-regis...
How Do I Check In Multiple Pre-Registered Visitors?
This section describes the process of checking in multiple visitors at once. To check-in multiple visitors...
How Do I Check In an Unannounced Visitor?
If a visitor arrives at your building that hasn’t been pre-registered by a system user you can enter their ...
How Do I Delete a Visitor?
In some instances it may be necessary to remove a pre-registered visitor from the list of Expected Visitors...
How do I add a person to the Watch List?
Adding a person to the Watch List alerts guards not to allow a person entry into the building. This section...
How Do I Export a Visitor List?
Within the Expected Visitors dashboard, you have the option of exporting the list into a PDF, CSV, or XLS f...
How Do I Share a Visitor List?
Looking at a visitor list you have the option of exporting and sharing the list in a PDF, CSV, or XLS forma...