Creating a Work Order from a QR Code

{Alex Silber}

Work orders can be created following a QR Code scan in locations where a QR Code is assigned. This section describes the process of creating a work order for a location assigned to a QR Code scan.

To create a work order for a location assigned to a QR Code:

1. Navigate to the bottom of the homepage and click Scan Code.
2. Use your device’s camera to scan the QR Code.
3. Click create-work-order-from-location_button.png.
4. Select a BUILDING.
5. Select a TENANT and CONTACT.
Note: If this work order is being proactively reported on behalf of a tenant, select a TENANT company and click Proactive Report.
6. (Optional) Select an issue type CATEGORY.
7. Select a work order ISSUE TYPE.
Note: Issue type specific form questions appear when a form template accompanies an issue type.
8. (Optional) Enter the LOCATION of the work order.
9. (Optional) Use the ASSIGN TO field to select an assignee.
10. Enter the DETAILS of the work order.
11. (Optional) To add a photo, click Add Photo and select either Take Camera Photo or Add From Gallery.
Take Camera Photo enables your smartphone’s integrated camera.
Add From Gallery allows you to access a previously taken photo from your smartphone’s photo gallery.
a. (Optional) To draw on the photo, click draw_button.png, select a color, and use your finger or stylus to draw on the photo.
b. Click Use.
c. (Optional) Enter a comment to accompany the photo.
d. Click Save or Add More to add additional photos.
12. Click Create New Request.


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