Creating an Unscheduled PM Task

{Alex Silber}

If a piece of equipment requires an unexpected repair you can create an unscheduled task from the equipment record. This section describes the process of creating an unscheduled PM task from a QR Code scan.

To create an unscheduled PM task from a QR Code:

1. Navigate to the bottom of the homepage and click Scan Code.
2. Use your device’s camera to scan the QR Code.
3. Scroll down the equipment record and click Open Tasks.
4. Click Add Unscheduled Task.
5. Enter a task NAME, select an ASSIGNEE, the DAYS TO COMPLETE, and optional NOTES.
Note: If the task takes longer to complete then the DAYS TO COMPLETE value, the task is considered overdue.
6. Click Add Unscheduled Task to create the task.


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