• Impairments User Guide

    Setup and configuration of the Impairments module must be completed prior to implementing this module. If ...

    Client Success
  • How do I create a Key Contact role?

    Key Contacts roles are the role names of the person(s) you plan to notify when a piece of equipment is temp...

    Client Success
  • How do I assign a Key Contact role?

    After your Key Contact Roles have been defined and created you need to assign a staff member or contact to ...

    Client Success
  • How do I create an Impairment group?

    Impairment groups allow you to setup unique Notification Profiles and Impairment Types by building or group...

    Client Success
  • How do I create a Notification profile?

    The Notification Profile allows you to define the Key Contact Role and Impairment status(es) that trigger t...

    Client Success
  • How do I define Impairment types?

    After configuring the Notification Profiles you need to define the types of Impairments you’ll be tracking....

    Client Success
  • How do I create an Impairment?

    This article describes the process of creating an impairment. To create an impairment: Click Go To > Impai...

    Client Success
  • How do I add a comment to an Impairment?

    This section describes the process of adding a comment to an existing equipment impairment. To add a commen...

    Client Success
  • How do I add a file to an Impairment?

    This section describes the process of adding a file to an existing equipment impairment. To add a file to a...

    Client Success
  • How do I link a Work Order or Preventive Maintenance Task to an Impairment?

    This article describes the process of linking a work order or preventive maintenance task to an existing eq...

    Client Success
  • How do I extend an Impairment?

    In some instances, equipment impairments may last longer than originally expected. When this occurs you can...

    Client Success
  • How do I restore an Impairment?

    After a piece of equipment has been re-commissioned you need to confirm its restoration. This article descr...

    Client Success
  • How do I cancel an Impairment?

    If a scheduled Impairment is created in error or is no longer relevant you have the ability to cancel it be...

    Client Success
  • How do I search for an Impairment?

    This article describes the process of searching for an existing equipment impairment. To search for an impa...

    Client Success
  • How do I export a list of Impairments?

    Lists of Impairments can be exported via a few different formats. This article describes how to export a li...

    Client Success
  • How do I share a list of Impairments?

    Lists of Impairments can be shared amongst colleagues and staff via a few different formats. This article d...

    Client Success