How do I manage Preventive Maintenance tasks within the Template Library?

{Matthew Gillen}

This section describes the process of modifying an existing equipment template.

WARNING: All changes to Templates at the Portfolio Template Library level will affect all building level equipment to which it is linked. This includes, but is not limited to, any edits, additions or deletions made to template tasks. Once equipment in multiple buildings has been associated to specific templates, any template changes should be made carefully.

To manage an existing template:

  1. Click Go To > Preventative Maintenance > Template Library.
  2. Select a Template Library.
  3. Using the list of templates on the left side, select the template you want to edit.
  4. Click the TASKS tab.
  1. Click , and select New Task.
    1. Enter a NAME for the task.
    2. Enter the COMPLETE IN (DAYS). Note: When a task remains open beyond the specified amount of Complete In days it becomes overdue.
    3. (Optional) Enter the EXPECTED (HRS) the task takes to complete.
    4. Select a FREQUENCY.
    5. (Optional) Add NOTES, STEPS, PARTS AND TOOLS, and METER READINGS to populate the body of the task.
    6. Click SAVE.

To edit a task:

  1. Open the existing task.
  2. Make edits as necessary and click SAVE.

To delete a task:

  1. Open an existing task.
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the task and click DELETE.

To audit which equipment is currently connected to the template:

  1. Open an existing task.
  2. Click Audit.
  3. View equipment list.


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