How do I add materials to an Inspection?

{Alex Silber}

Materials can be added to an inspection to track resources used or to bill back tenants for services you have provided.

To add material to an inspection:

  1. Click Go To > Inspections > Inspections Dashboard.
  2. Use the SEARCH and/or column filters to locate the inspection.
  3. Click the INSPECTION NAME.
  4. Scroll down to the Labor and Materials section and click the wheelbarrow-icon.jpg icon.
  5. Select a MATERIAL and enter the QUANTITY.


  6. (Optional) Select a MARKUP, and/or enter a NOTE.
  7. (Optional) Use the check box if the material is Billable or the entity being billed is TAX EXEMPT.
  8. Click SAVE to add the labor or SAVE AND ADD ANOTHER to enter an additional material.


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