How do I create a new Inspection Template?

{Alex Silber}

This article describes how to create a new building inspection.

To create a building inspection template:

1. Click Go To > Inspections > Inspections Template Manager.

2. Click Create Template.


3. Provide a Template Name and select the Type of Inspection

4. (Optional) To create custom header questions, click the Customer Header Questions field, and enter your questions.

5. Complete the Inspection Completion Options.

6. Click Save and Continue to begin creating inspection questions.

7. (Optional) You can divide groups of questions into sections. To create a section:
    a. Click Add Section.
    b. Enter a Name for the section, and click Save.

Note: You can rearrange sections by selecting and dragging the section to place them in a different order.

  a.Require Response: Inspection cannot be completed without a response,
  b.Require Photo: Inspection cannot be completed without a photo.
  c.Add Another Response: Click to add additional responses to your question.
  d.Optional Prompt: Allows you to ask a follow-up question to a particular response.
  e.WO: Automatically generates a work order if a particular response is selected.
  f.Photo: Promptes the inspection assignee to add a photo if a particular response is selected.

Note: Hovering over a question type displays an example of the question format. You can also rearrange questions once saved by selecting and dragging the question to place them in a different order.


9. Once you have entered all of your inspection questions, continue to the Schedule tab to activate the inspection.

For instructions on scheduling an inspection please see: How do I schedule a new Inspection?


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