How do I complete an Access Card request?

{Matthew Gillen}

After the access card is requested a work order is generated in the application. To streamline the workflow, access card work orders are aggregated into the Access Card Request Manager to be assigned an access card number, invoiced, and closed out.

To complete an access card request:

  1. Click Admin > Tenants > Access Card Requests
  2. All open access card requests will display in the Access Card Requests grid:
    1. Click the Work Order hyperlink to access the work order for a specific access card request.
    2. Click the  icon to provide the Access Card Number for the new access card request.
    3. Click the  icon to add a billable or non-billable charge to the work order for the new access card request.
    4. Click the  icon to complete the new access card request, with or without providing an Access Card Number. A request completed without providing an Access Card Number will not add any new access card information to the tenant employee’s record. 



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