How do I create a new Access Card request?

{Matthew Gillen}

Property management administrators are now able to manage access cards for tenants. This includes new access card requests for newly hired tenant employees, requests for the replacement of lost access cards, and requests for access cards to be deactivated when a tenant employee is terminated. The Access Card Request Manager module is also available for all building tenant accounts where Tenant Employees or Tenant Administrators can initiate access card related requests.

On the receiving end, property management administrators may track and respond to access card related requests from the Access Card Request Manager page. From here you can easily add/edit/remove an access card ID, assign charges, and close out the supporting work order.

To create a new access card request:

  1. Navigate to Admin > Tenants > Employees.
  2. Select an employee from the Tenant Employees list.
  3. Navigate to the Access Cards section and click Access Cards
  4. Click Request Card.
  5. The new access card request will create a new work order on behalf of the tenant employee, and the Action heading will display the status Request Pending: 



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