How do I configure my Point People for Performance Management escalations?

{Alex Silber}

Point People refers to members of the property management staff (employees and vendors) that are notified when a work order requires additional attention or intervention. If a work order violates a service level metric, the Point Person is either notified or reassigned the task.

The following roles are provided for each building:

  • Engineering Group
  • General Manager
  • Property Manager
  • Quarterback

This section describes the process of configuring your point people.

To assign a user to a Point Person role:

  1. Click ADMIN > Performance Management > OPM Configuration.
  2. Click the point-people_button.png tab.
  3. Select a user to assign to each Point Person role.

  4. When finished, click tenant-satisfaction_button.png to save and begin the Tenant Satisfaction configuration.


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