Certificate of Insurance
The COI Manager reduces liability exposure by ensuring that all vendors and tenants are properly insured and have current certificates of insurance on file. Using Building Engines to manage your COIs eliminates cumbersome paper-based processes through an easy-to-use system and automated management process.
Certificate of Insurance User Guide
Certificate of Insurance (COI) tracking is a vital risk-management activity. Without an efficient process ...
How do I create a new COI for a tenant or vendor?
Creating a COI record in the system allows you to manage a COI’s compliance and effective dates. This secti...
How do I renew a COI for a tenant or vendor?
This article describes the process of renewing an expired COI. To renew a COI: Click Go To > Certificat...
How do I renew a tenant or vendor uploaded COI?
Expiration notices sent to tenants and vendors contain a link that will allow the recipient to upload a ren...
How do I close a tenant or vendor COI?
This article describes the process of closing a COI for a tenant or vendor that you no longer want to track...
How do I cancel a tenant or vendor COI?
If a tenant or vendor decides to start a new insurance policy prior to the expiration of their current COI,...
How do I associate a tenant company to a vendor COI?
In some cases, Property Management teams prefer to associate a vendor’s COI to the primary tenant who utili...
How do I create a new COI Compliance Group for my buildings?
This article describes how to create COI compliance groups. After a compliance group has been created, you ...
How do I standardize the coverage components for my COI Compliance Group?
The Coverage Components section allows you to define the minimum coverage amounts for both tenant and vendo...
How Do I Configure COI Coverages for a Specific Tenant Company
Besides the COI Admin section, you can also configure COI components and minimum amounts from the tenant co...
How do I add additional COI compliance questions?
The Additional Info tab allows you to create an additional layer of compliance validation that is not cover...
How do I set up automatic COI renewal notifications?
Automatic, interval specific, notifications are configured at the building level. While not mandated, it’s ...
How do I navigate the COI Management Dashboard?
This article reviews how to leverage the COI dashboard and health monitors to identify gaps in coverage. Th...
How do I navigate the COI Health Monitor?
The COI Health Monitor, located on the homepage, represents your potential liability for each building. The...
How do I manually override Compliance or Non Compliance for a specific COI?
In some instances it may be necessary for you to override the compliance guidelines and enter a COI as comp...
How do I send a COI expiration notice to a tenant or vendor?
This article describes how you can send an expiration notice to a tenant or vendor from the expired COI. T...